“Hope in the Midst of Struggle: A Story of a Family’s Journey with Disability”

My heart breaks as I read about the Munoru family. Their struggle to survive is almost unbearable to imagine. Losing their mother in 2019 was undoubtedly devastating, but Simon’s condition adds a layer of complexity that is difficult to fathom. As a person with Cerebral Palsy, Simon’s life is already challenging, but the fact that he cannot walk, talk, feed himself, or control his bowels only adds to his struggle.

The burden that Mr. Munoru carries is almost too much to bear. As a widower, he has to take care of five children, including Simon, all by himself. The physical and financial strain on him is overwhelming. As a manual laborer, he can barely make ends meet, and to add insult to injury, he has to pay for a caregiver to take care of Simon.

The family’s circumstances are dire, and Simon’s siblings are forced to miss school to take care of their brother. The thought of what this family has to endure daily is gut-wrenching.

But, amidst all the chaos and despair, there is hope. Daraja 360, in partnership with the County Government of Nakuru (Social Services Office) and Lions Club of Menengai, has stepped in to help. They have provided Simon with a special wheelchair that will make his life more comfortable and convenient for his caregivers.

The impact of this gesture is immeasurable. The Munoru family’s joy is palpable, and Simon’s life will be significantly improved. Furthermore, the physiotherapy he is receiving from Daraja 360’s team of volunteer physiotherapists, Baraza and Grace, will help him improve his mobility.

This act of kindness has brought hope to the Munoru family, and it’s heartwarming to know that there are still people in the world who are willing to go above and beyond to help those in need. The future may still be uncertain, but for now, the Munoru family can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that there are people who care.

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