Breaking Barriers: 5 Girls’ Triumphant Journey to Education

This inspiring story follows five young girls who, with the support of Daraja 360, have overcome numerous obstacles to pursue their education at secondary school. Despite facing challenges such as poverty, disabilities, and societal expectations, these determined girls are preserving and are now on their way to achieving their dreams.

Students Getting Admitted to Nakuru School
Wambui: Form 1 Nakuru School

Daraja 360 is a community-based organization (CBO) that recognized the importance of education and the challenges faced by many families in providing it to their children. To support the education of girls, the CBO decided to offer scholarships to five deserving students. The five girls, named Wambui, Esther, Margret, Roselyn, and Sarah, came from different backgrounds and faced various challenges in their lives. Despite these difficulties, they all shared a passion for learning and a determination to succeed.

Sarah has a brother called Lucky and they live with her elderly grandmother who is not able to take them through school. She is determined to achieve better grades in her education and that’s why she was transferred from Bavuni Secondary to Nakuru School to offer her a conducive environment for learning.  Margret came from a large family of seven siblings where money is tight. Her mother is a beneficiary of the Daraja 360 Women & Youth Economic Empowerment where she is trained in cloth-making and now earning decent living that is able to cater for some of her family needs. Despite these challenges, she is a disciplined students and loves education.

Sarah Form 3 Nakuru School
Margret Form 2 Nakuru School

Roselyn is shy girl who struggled with confidence and self-esteem, but she is also adamant that through the scholarship she can pursue her education goals. Esther is an average performing student with a love for history. The CBO offered each of the five girls a scholarship that would cover their school fees, uniforms, books, and other necessary expenses. The girls were overjoyed at the opportunity and made a commitment to work hard and make the most of this chance.

Roselyn Form 1 Nakuru School
Esther Form 3 Nakuru School

With the support of the CBO, the five girls are thriving in their studies. They’ve made new friends, joined clubs, and participated in extracurricular activities. The story of these five girls is a testament to the power of education and the hope it can revive in people’s lives. It also shows the importance of organizations like the CBO that support and invest in the education of young people, especially girls.

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