Simon Karugo Success Story

New dawn for Simon Karugo, a 6 years old boy with Cerebral Palsy. Simon stayed at home and could not join school with his peers due to his disability. This is despite the government introducing laws that protect such vulnerable groups. Simon’s parents, on the other hand, somewhat ignorant and lack of right information weren’t aware of the special units …

Building Back Better: Towards a Disability-inclusive, Accessible, and Sustainable Post Covid-19 World

“Building Back Better: towards a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World”. This was the theme for the International day for people with disabilities 2020. According to the Kenyan constitution’s CHAPTER 4 – THE BILL OF RIGHTS · 39—Freedom of movement and residence, every citizen has the right to freedom of movement. Most people living with disabilities do not get to …

“Hope in the Midst of Struggle: A Story of a Family’s Journey with Disability”

My heart breaks as I read about the Munoru family. Their struggle to survive is almost unbearable to imagine. Losing their mother in 2019 was undoubtedly devastating, but Simon’s condition adds a layer of complexity that is difficult to fathom. As a person with Cerebral Palsy, Simon’s life is already challenging, but the fact that he cannot walk, talk, feed …