Leadership Skill for Teens is an Important Component of Their Growth

Mentorship program


Leadership is an important skill for teens to acquire. While they continue to hone their leadership skills, they greatly benefit from gaining early insights into what makes great leaders and what holds someone back from becoming a respected leader. 

During the holiday break,  we had planned to hold a teens boot camp targeting 60 teenagers but due to the surge in the numbers of infected people, the government restricted movements and banned all physical gatherings. 

We, therefore, decided to conduct an in-house training of the teens. Mr. Joseph Njuguna of Scripture Heritage and Mr. John Mathenge of Lifestyle Fitness volunteered to train the participating lot on the topic of leadership.

They also provided learning materials for all the teens. Out of the 20 enrolled, 18 successfully completed the leadership manual dubbed ‘Lead Today’   a simplified version for training teenagers.

The following was the content covered on leadership as written by JC.Maxwell.

Influence                           Teamwork 
Vision                              Attitude
Integrity                 Priorities
Growth                    Relationships
Initiative                          Responsibilities
Self–Discipline                  Communications
Timing                 Developing leader   

The sessions were highly interactive. The good news is that parents and guardians are calling to report to us on the noticeable changes in the lives of their children. They have become more responsible, consistent, and diligent in performing the chores assigned to them.

The students were awarded a certificate upon completion of the course.

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