Simon Karugo Success Story

New dawn for Simon Karugo, a 6 years old boy with Cerebral Palsy. Simon stayed at home and could not join school with his peers due to his disability. This is despite the government introducing laws that protect such vulnerable groups.

Simon’s parents, on the other hand, somewhat ignorant and lack of right information weren’t aware of the special units for children living with various disabilities, where they could enroll him for special education. Similar stories can be heard out there of parents lacking proper information on how to manage children living disabilities.

Simon Karugu and his parents at school with the donated wheelchair

At Daraja 360, we seek to address some of the challenges facing people living with disabilities in daily life through a special program. The program creates a safe bridge for this special group so they can feel and be part of the community. We do that through parental support groups where parents get sensitized and informed on the available opportunities and services for the PWDs in the national government.

Simon’s mother, Josephine Muthoni attended one of the group session and got to learn about healthy parenting skills. Daraja went a head to facilitate medical and educational assessment for Simon. The Educational assessment and research center (EARC) confirmed that Simon is fit for placement in a regular institution, but provisions be made for his mobility.

The parents are casual laborers who could not afford to purchase a specialized wheelchair. The Lions club of Nakuru came in handy and graciously donated a mobility device for the boy. He is currently placed at lanet Primary school –one of the inclusive learning institution. We thank all supporters for their help in seeing Simon through school.

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