Get Involved

Daraja  360  Thanksgiving Fundraiser

Get Involved! in Giving Hope to the Vulnerable Groups in Our Society

You have the power – by partnering with us, volunteering, and fundraise for a good cause – in supporting our work of improving people’s lives and making a better society for us all.

Scholarship Program

Hundreds of children from vulnerable families are benefiting from our education program. We believe that every child has a right to quality education

Volunteer for Daraja 360: Join Us Today!

Mentorship Program

Our successful mentorship programs for youths, parents and guardians of children living with disabilities have been a strong pillar in building self-driven and empowered individuals

Partner with Daraja & Get a Child to School

Women & Youth Economic Program

Women and youths are trained on sewing, provided with resources and orders to put their skills into practice — as a safe bridge towards empowerment and self-sustainability

Help Ensure an Inclusive Society

Daraja Special Program

People living with disabilites struggle a lot in a society that isn’t sensitive to their issues. At Daraja we offer:

 -Psychotherapy for Parent & Guardians of children with disabilities

-Physiotherapy for children living diasbilities like Cerebral Palsy 

-Sourcing for mobility and assisitive devices

-Occupation health ergonomic training for caregivers

Give to Our Cause

Help us pull resources to enable us continue supporting society’s most vulnerable groups

Copyright © 2021 Daraja 360